3 Things To Never Give a Boy

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Teenagers have a tendency to fall fast and hard. Sometimes, they fall so fast that they forget to protect themselves. I understand that love is about taking chances, but there are some things to keep for yourself. I'm not going to tell you not to give a boy your first kiss, nudes, or your virginity. You are bound to give up those at some point. But there are a few things you can't just go throwing around...

1. Your favorite song

If you have fallen in love with a song and fallen for a boy, do not let those things intertwine. When picking a song that represents your relationship, do not pick a song that represents you. Awhile back, I was talking to a boy who introduced me to a wonderful song called "Puppy Love" by This Wild Life. I fell in love with the acoustic duo's sound and played their song repeatedly. Then I started liking (loving) him and long story short: things did not work out. That song was no longer a good pick-me-up. It no longer reminded me of happiness and love. It reminded me of him and the heartbreak. Those are not things you want to feel when listening to a song you love(d). Share your music with the people you love, but don't just hand over your anthem. Once you have correlated a song with a person you love, you risk losing the boy and the song.

2. Your girl's night

Whether you are in high school or college, the time you have left with your girls is limited. Do not waste it buried in your phone or skip out to go on a date. I understand you two are probably really in love right now and you are working off of the motto "you marry the boy, not your friends." That isn't an actual motto, and thank gosh for that. You will lose and gain quite a few friends in your lifetime, and chances are, the same thing will happen with the boys in your life. But ten years from now, you will remember the memories you made with your friends, not the make-out session you had in the back of his car. 

3. Your happy place

Do you have a place you go when you need a break from the world? This is a place of serenity that brings you an unexplained comfort. Maybe it is a dead end road or a quaint coffee shop in a bustling city, but it is your spot. Heck, maybe this spot isn't even an actual place; it could be your Pinterest or YouTube. This is your tiny portion of the world that you can count on. You don't want to find him making out with his next girl at that dead end, and you definitely do not want to second guess what you say in your YouTube videos because he might watch them. Keep a private place for just you. 

I hope you eventually fall madly in love with someone who you can trust with these things. I hope this person is the one you plan to spend a large portion of your life with. One day, you will meet someone who will cherish these three things and would not dare ruin them for you. These things should not be given to every boy that catches your eye. Save them for a man you fall in love with... a man who doesn't catch you when you fall but is willing to lie beside you on the ground. 

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